Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If you're a Christian, have you shared a couple of things with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?

1. What are YOU passionate about?
2. What breaks YOUR heart?
3. What are YOU uniquely equipped and called to do?
4. What needs can God use YOU to meet?
5. What has God put in YOU?

Each of us are called to serve the Lord within our COMMUNITY and beyond! What moves YOU to be like Jesus? Has Jesus tweaked YOUR soul and Spirit into action? Have YOU taken it up two, three, four notches up (increasing your momentum for the Lord)? What have YOU done or will do to improve on it?

Where do YOU start? Pray, let the church inspire YOU and follow what God leads YOU to do.


  1. Excellent Questions. I would ask one more question, "Now that you have answered these questions, what has to happen for you to do what God has called and gifted you to do?"

    Please keep up the good work, Mark, and Deaf Missions! I think God is "cultivating" the ground for a Mighty Revival among the Deaf in America!!

    Continously Praying, I am ,

    Rev. Rick McClain, D. Min.

  2. queation 3 from above. how would one know? I am just a ordianary guy.

  3. Tprisner,
    Maybe we are all ordinary, but the God within us is extraordinary and every one of us is unique.

    The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren may be a great book for you because of your question. What are your strengths? What do you excel at? What do you do that helps others?

    Maybe you are equipped with patience to help children or older people. Perhaps you are creative and bring glory to God through art. As christians we are called to serve others, so every day try new ways to help other people. Maybe in that way you will find an answer to number 3.

    Best regards,
