Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mt Carmel

We passed Mt. Carmel then through Megiddo. There wasn't much to see except for winding roads through the mountains. This was the place where Elijah was killing all the false prophets in 1 Kings 18:16ff.. In Megiddo, it was the Valley of Armageddon according to Revelation 16:16. Here are a couple of pictures.

Mt Carmel... Most of the trees were burnt by forest fires. It was sad to see most of the trees burned down. But it is still a beautiful country up north near Haifa. As I read 1 Kings 18:16ff, I just didn't realize that the mountains would have so many trees and shrubs! Ever since I've been a Christian and reading the Bible, I've always thought everything was in the desert and dry! But not so. Mt Carmel is also near the Meditereanean Sea and about 35 minutes west of Capernaum.

There are many flowers like this everywhere!

More to come...


  1. The tragedy of it all is that most Pastors and Teachers of the Bible have NOT been to the Holy Land. It has always been a dream of mine to go. It has also been a dream of mine to PROPOSE that every Senior Ministry student (who completes requirements for Ministry degree) would be able to go to the Holy Land as part of their Senior "Comprehensive" experience in conjunction with their studies of the History of Israel and the Gospels of Jesus. I know for a fact, seeing a Pastor friend of mine before and after he went to Israel, there was a marked difference in the way he approached the scriptures and in the manner he expounded upon the Word of God. Keep on reminding others of this importance, Mark and Jose! You are both my heroes in the faith!

  2. Rick: Amen! I agree and that's why we're here to prepare our students for the trip to Israel.. ;) Love ya!!
