Monday, March 14, 2011

Sea of Galilee

Coming from Nazareth, we arrived at the Sea of Galilee and was astonished to see such a beauty of where Jesus had done His ministry at! Most of his ministry was held in Capernaum, Bethsaida, Gadarenes, Chorazim, and other small places. He went to Damascus, Tyre, Caesarea Philippi which is to the north. But, imagine this! He walked and walked and walked. There's no mention of Him being on a horse or a pulley (wagon). He crossed the Sea on a boat a number of times. Also, He often travel down to Jerusalem then back up, then again back down and up. He only had 3 years to do this ministry and a lot has changed in that small timeframe! Simply awesome!

Sea of Galilee (looking southeast)

Sea of Galilee (looking northwest)

Jose with the statue. Tiberias in the background (looking west)

Mark with Galilee in the background (looking west)

This was Mark's lunch/dinner: kebab, potatoes and salad

This was Jose's lunch/dinner: Saint Peter's Fish, potatoes and salad
We also had delicious hummus with extra virgin olive oil in the center with flat bread and the works! Israel mostly serves chopped veggies, especially in the morning for breakfast. Fish is also served in the morning! It is said in the Bible that Jesus ate fish in the morning for breakfast so its a practice that exists today! Wow!

Jose's fish is actually named, Jaws! :) See the teeth from Saint Peter's Fish.

Jose brought out some pieces of bread and a mob of seagulls came to feast on them

More to come...


  1. Mark, how can I get in contact with you? I have some questions about a deafmission in philippines. Thank you.

  2. @ Rick: The Lord forgives!!! :) Do make an effort to fundraise and GO!! :)

    @ Bettina: go to and click on Contact Us then the Staff Directory. You should see my name on the list. I won't return until after the 23rd. Will be in touch with you. God bless!
